Owned house (single-family house or apartment)

I am asking this question to those who have moved since October 1 of last year and are currently living in a home they own, or who have purchased, added an extension, remodeled the house, or changed the name of the land or house they are currently living in.

1st - 6th waves (Housing construction period starts from 2nd wave)

Year the land was acquired

year the house was acquired

Housing construction period




7th wave -

Year the land was acquired

year the house was acquired

Housing construction period





Up to the 6th edition, “year the house was acquired” was asked in Q376A and “time of housing construction” was asked in Q376B.

In the questionnaire, the question is asked in the original year, but in the records, it is converted to the last two digits of the Western calendar.



Variable name

Property size


Owner of the premises. (married couple)
Owner of the premises. (married couple)
Method of the premises acquisition
( In the case of own name and spouse’s name)


Parents involved in premises acquisition
(If there was parental involvement)




Variable name

Total floor space (actual number)
Total floor space (category)
Owner of the house (married)
Owner of the house (unmarried)
How the home was acquired
( In the case of own name and spouse’s name)


Parents involved in home acquisition
(If there was parental involvement)



Q372 is a categorical variable that divides the actual value of total floor space by the number range of each option.


As shown below, the choices for “Owner of the premises (Q375C , Q375D)” the 10th and later editions are different from the 1st to 9th editions, and moreover, there are multiple answers. However, the answer codes have been processed according to the data of the 1st to 9th sessions.


Select / Fill in


1st to 9th wave

1. Wife
2. Husband
3. Joint ownership of husband and wife
4. Joint ownership of husband or wife and either parents.
5. Wife’s parents
6. Husband’s parents
7. Others
8. Don’t know

Same as options

10th wave -

1. You yourself
2. Husband
3. Your parents
4. Your husband’s parents
5. Others
6. Don’t know
Put a “○” in “1” → 1
Put a “○” in “2” → 2
Put a “○” in “3” → 5
Put a “○” in “4” → 6
Put a “○” in 1. and 2. → 3
○ for 1. or 2. and 3. or 4 -> 4
Put a “○” in “5” → 7
Put a “○” in “6” → 8

Select / Fill in


1st to 9th wave

1. You yourself
2. Joint ownership with parents
3. Parent’s ownership
4. Others
5. Don’t know

Same as options

10th wave -

1. You yourself
2. Parents
3. Others
4. Don’t know
Put a “○” in “1” → 1
Put a “○” in “2” → 3
Put a “○” in 1. and 2. → 3
Put a “○” in “2” → 2
Put a “○” in “3” → 4
Put a “○” in “4” → 5