Physical and mental state (CES-D): I could not shake off the blues.

Variable name



We would like to ask you about your physical or mental state during the past week. How often did you experience each of the following feelings or matters? Circle your answer to each question. (Circle one for each question.)

I felt that I could not shake off the blues, even if my family or friends cheered me up.

Select / Fill in

  1. Not at all

  2. One or two days a week

  3. Three or four days a week

  4. Almost every day

Overflow code

Unclassifiable response code

No response code



Data files (csv)

  • p16abc_4

  • p16d_4

  • p17_4

  • p18_4

  • p19_4

  • p20_4

  • p21abcd_4

  • p21e_4

  • p22_4

  • p23_4

  • p24_4

  • p25_4

  • p26_4

  • p27_4

  • p28_4