Highest level of education: 3rd child

Variable name



Please select the most recent school your child attended, choosing from options 4 to 12 in the code table.If your child attended a vocational school (professional school) or other type school after graduating from a university, please treat it as a university.

Select / Fill in

  1. Preschool (staying at home)

  2. Preschool (nursery)

  3. Preschool (kindergarten)

  4. Primary school

  5. Junior high school

  6. High school

  7. Higher vocational school

  8. Further education (college)

  9. Junior college

  10. University (four-year program)

  11. University (six-year program)

  12. Graduate school

  13. Other school/s (including cramming schools)

  14. Not in school/working

Overflow code

Unclassifiable response code

No response code



Data files (csv)

  • p29_4