Industry of previous job [Wave21]

Variable name



Which of the following industries best describes your previous employer? (If you are a dispatched worker, please indicate the sector from which you were dispatched.)

Select / Fill in

  1. Agriculture and forestry

  2. Fishing and fisheries

  3. Mining and quarrying

  4. Construction

  5. Manufacturing

  6. Electricity, gas, heat supply, and water supply

  7. IT industry

  8. Transportation

  9. Wholesale and retail trade (including supermarkets and convenience stores)

  10. Finance, insurance and real estate

  11. Accommodations and food services

  12. Education and Student Support

  13. Medical care, welfare

  14. Other services (hairdressing, advertising, entertainment, post office, job placement, worker dispatch, etc.)

  15. Public service ( government offices and municipal offices, etc.)

  16. Other

Overflow code

Unclassifiable response code

No response code



The question options are different from the ones when new cohorts were added to Wave 1, 5, 11, and 16.

Please refer to (Industry of previous job [Wave1, Wave5, Wave11, Wave16]) for details.

Data files (csv)

  • p21e_1