Industry of previous job [Wave1, Wave5, Wave11, Wave16]

Variable name



Which of the following industries best describes your previous employer?

Select / Fill in

  1. Agriculture and forestry

  2. Fishing and fisheries

  3. Mining

  4. Construction

  5. Manufacturing (including publishing and printing)

  6. Wholesale and retail trade (including department stores, supermarkets, cafeterias, and coffee shops)

  7. Finance, insurance and real estate

  8. Transportation and communication

  9. Electricity, gas, water, and heat supply

  10. Service industry (including schools, hospitals, hotels, movie theaters, barber and beauty stores, advertising agencies, cleaning companies)

  11. Official business

  12. Other

Overflow code

Unclassifiable response code

No response code



The question options were changed when the new cohort was added to Wave 21.

Please refer to (Industry of previous job [Wave21]) for details.

Data files (csv)

  • p1_1

  • p5b_1

  • p11c_1

  • p16d_1